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CABRIO® balcony

A VELUX CABRIO® solution gives you even more room to enjoy life under the roof, adding precious space and extra daylight to your home. The VELUX CABRIO® is an ingenious and economic way to open your room to the outside, creating an instant balcony in seconds with a perfect view to the surroundings. Open the top sash, push the lower sash outwards and step outside to relax and enjoy the view.

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Slanting combination windows

Получить роскошные интерьеры и необычные дизайнерские решения помогут дополнительные нижние наклонные элементы. Они комбинируются практически со всеми мансардными окнами VELUX (GGL, GZL, GPL, GHL, GPU, GGU).

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Roof terrace

A VELUX roof terrace gives you the pleasure of bringing your daily activities all the way outside onto a sunlit, spacious terrace. Built directly into the lowest part of your roof, the terrace helps you utilise most of your roof space, while providing a stunning solution for outside leisure. Open the upper and lower sections to create a doorway and you are free to access exciting, new square meters that will change the way you live.

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Vertical combination windows

В мансарде с высокими пристенками рекомендуем устанавливать мансардные окна в сочетании с карнизными окнами. Это позволяет получить полный, ничем не ограниченный обзор от самого пола и отлично осветить помеще-ние. Комбинируются с GGL, GZL, GPL, GHL, GPU, GGU.

Choose the right roof window type and installation height

Mostly we recommend to buy a top operated roof window. A roof window is ideally installed low (starting 90 cm from the floor) – this will lead to a great view to the surroundings and at the same time leave space to furnish below.

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