solar powered fresh air skylight

The logical choice for any skylight installation

bonus room skylights sleeping man
skylights for the bedroom

Easy to open, easy to use, easy to install

The Solar Powered "Fresh Air" Skylight features a solar panel that captures any available daylight and uses it to recharge a highly efficient, fully concealed, battery powered operator and control system. 

The battery powered operator is the power source that opens and closes the skylight and the solar panel serves as the charging source of the system.

Watch the operation

Benefits of a Solar Powered "Fresh Air" skylight

Man operating skylight

Convenient: Opens and closes with our KLR 200 remote control

Man installing skylight

Economical: No need for costly wiring or electricity.

Man counting money

Affordable: Federal tax credit allows a 30% discount

Choosing the right glass

Clean, Quiet, and Safe Glass

Tempered glass

(recommended for in-reach applications)

Ordinary glass: water beads higher on rough surface, causing more spots and greater cleaning need

Clean, Quiet, and Safe Glass

Clean, Quiet & Safe glass

(recommended for out-of-reach applications)

Clean, Quiet & Safe glass: the smooth surface disperses water evenly - removing dirt more quickly while reducing water spots

Clean, Quiet & Safe glass is also available in the following options:

Miami-Dade (xx07) available on: FCM; White laminated (xx08) available on: VSE, VCE, VS, VCM, FS, FCM, QPF; Snowload (xx10) available on: VSE, VCM, VS, VCM, FS, FCM; Impact (xx06) available on: VSE, VCE, VS, VCM, FS, FCM, QPF

Are you ready to buy?

Much more than just a window

Skylights can dramatically change a room. They’re the fastest way to add natural light, ventilation and the feeling of openness to your under roof spaces. The impact in terms of daylight and fresh air, not to mention the view, is stunning.




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